message_cipher.rsa_decrypter module

RSA Decryprtion module.

The RSA decryption module defines the RsaDecrypter class. Uses the RSA decryption algorithm to decrypt messages in the form of arrays of integers encrypted with the RSA encryption algorithm.

class message_cipher.rsa_decrypter.RsaDecrypter

Bases: Decrypter

RSA Decryption.

RsaDecrypter performs calculations to decrypt arrays of integers into string messages.

__init__(product: int, private_key: int) None

Initialize a new RSA decryption system with values product and private_key.

  • product (int) – The product of two large prime numbers.

  • private_key (int) – The private key used for decryption.

Return type:


decrypt(ciphertext: list[int]) str

Decrypts the encrypted message using the RSA system.


ciphertext (list[int]) – An encrypted message to decrypt. The message should be a list of integers, as per output of RsaEncrypter.encrypt.


The decrypted message as a string.

Return type:
